How to Write Letters to Your Ex-Boyfriend- (With Samples)

write letters to your ex-boyfriend

Writing a letter to your ex boyfriend and getting him back in your life is not a piece of cake. There occur several times in your life when you think that you want your ex back in your life. No matter what was the reason for separation. Whether it’s a little misunderstanding or a huge fight. There might also be some other reasons for separation.

Today, you will learn how to write letters to your ex-boyfriend so that he can come back into your life. There is no compulsion of being a top-notch writer to write the best love letter to your ex. All you need to write the best, compelling, convincing, wholehearted letter is your sentiments. Give permission to your sentiments to flow in every word of the letter you write.

Tips on How to Write Letters To Your Ex-Boyfriend

If you’re not sure what to write in your letter, there are a few things that will help you get started.

  • First off, think about why it is that you want to write this letter. Is it because you miss him? Do you need closure? Maybe it’s because he broke up with but still has feelings for both of us.
  • Next, take time to really think about what your purpose for writing this letter is before starting to pen down anything on paper or typing into Microsoft Word.
  • Finally, once you have an idea of what exactly it is that motivates your decision to write a letter then share any and all thoughts and feelings in the most honest way possible- from anger at how he ended

Be Genuine To Yourself

While writing a letter to your ex, the first thing you need to do is be genuine. Do not make the letter over adorn in order to transform the beauty of the letter. The only purpose of writing this letter is just to express your honest emotions. That is why avoid contriving your letter. This can make you pay its consequences.

Make Sure What Are You Expecting

Before you write a letter, you should assure yourself about the results you want and what you want to conclude in your letter.

  • Are you willing to accept that you are in love with your ex?
  • Would you like to propose to your ex?
  • Are you willing to apologize for your mistakes or fights?

Relying on your motive of writing a letter, you should frame your letter accordingly.

You  Know Your Ex Better

No one knows your ex-boyfriend better than you. So it’s better to write in a way that he understands. You can come up with some old memories that you and your ex enjoyed together. You can also write down some jokes of a genre that he loves. Try to make him feel the old vibes with your letter. In this way, you will surely frame the best letter that you have ever written to your ex.

Love Letters To Ex-Boyfriend

If you are not able to frame your letter. Here, we have come up with some examples of love letters to ex-boyfriend. This will give you ideas about how to frame a love letter to impress and convince your ex.

Love Letter Example – 1

Dear {name of your ex},

It’s been a long period, we talked to each other. But I am not able to move on from you. I tried many different ways to distract my mind from thinking of you. But nothing seems to work positively. Now the situation is that I do not know when I will be able to replace you in my heart. Probably never.
Every one of my friends says time heals everything, but in your case, it sounds false. I wish I could have an open conversation with you about what happened. I hope you will understand my feelings. Revert back to me with a call whenever you get time.


{Your Name}

Although, this letter is brief but very impactful in opening up doors of opportunity to get your ex back. This is a great letter to open up a conversation no matter what was the reason for the break-up. It can also make you feel weird to reach out to someone to whom you have not talked for a long time.

But when it comes to the heart then logic seems to be not working. When you write a letter in this way then you show that you are honest to your feelings. This releases pressure from your ex to be back in a relationship with you. But at the same time, it creates a great impact on his mind and heart. You can also write specifically as per your need.

Love Letter Example – 2

Dear {Name}

I am unable to stop thinking about you. The good times that we spent together. For a long time, Your company always brought a smile to my face. But after being apart, most of the time goes into remembering those sweet memories. My mind always thinks of those wonderful times that we enjoyed together.

After our breakup, I realize that my life is incomplete without you. I realized that I do not have any certain future without you. I am so embarrassed that we break up due to some misunderstanding and move apart from each other. My heart is unable to accept the fact that we separated. I want to give us a chance to forget all those bad ties and start fresh.

I would like to connect with you on a call to clear our confusion. Please call me once you get free from your work.

{Enter Your Name}

If you hear psychology then it advises that we take people close to us for granted. Unfortunately, people also support this with a saying that being familiar with someone also breeds disrespect. Once you grow apart, no one will suggest, you force a relationship to work again.

If you have faith in your heart and love that you both can be in a relationship again. Then make an attempt to send him this letter. You can also go deep in any of your memorable times to trigger his feelings. This will make him realize how beautiful your relationship was. There is also a chance that he was waiting for your letter. So that he can be back in a relationship with you.

Love Letter Example – 3

Dear {His Name}

After the breakup, I do nothing but always think of you. For the past many months since we separated, my mind triggers upon our old memories. Each day passes, I shame myself for the choice that I made.

My brain always replays the actions. I wish I could go back in time and do all the things right. I am unable to remove you from my mind and I realized that I am happy only if you are in my life. And I also commit that I can not fall in love with someone else other than you. The thought that we are not together giving me unbearable pain. 

I know that you need time to understand everything. I was in the dark and I never want to do that with you. You never did anything wrong to deserve it. Today, I am here to admit my mistake and I want an open conversation with you. The thought of being apart from you for my whole life scares me a lot. 

Please give me a chance to hear from you. I will be waiting for your call.

{Write Your Name Here}

If you have broken up because of some mistakes and misunderstandings. This message will create a great impact on him and his thoughts. Because it will show your emotions and also maturity. At last, this letter sends a great message to your ex, showing that you are grown. And you have those features that lead to a strong bond.

Whether you end up with a patch-up or not, it is always the best decision to accept your mistakes. To understand where things went wrong and accept the damages. You can also add an apology to your letter. It will create you some more opportunities to get back to your ex.

Apology Letters To Your Ex-boyfriend

Apology letters to ex-boyfriend will be letters composed to communicate lament towards a previous event or activity. Basically, a statement of regret letters is a method of putting down in words how you feel about a negative activity. And trying to have a beneficial outcome on it. An extraordinary conciliatory sentiment letter can fix your standing and fortify your bonds.

You did something awful to your companion. You need to say sorry about these circumstances and rescue your relationship. So an apology letter is the best method to do this. Apology letters ought to be composed and sent following the slip-up has ended up showing that you genuinely esteem your relationship with your ex-boyfriend.

Start the letter by expressing how sorry you are, concede that you committed an error, and assume liability. Attempt to address the issue and give ideas on how you will do this. Guarantee the other party that the occurrence won’t occur again later on. Apologize again and close the letter with a positive note.

Apology Letters Example – 1

Dear {Enter His Name}

I’m extremely upset for acting the manner in which I did last Saturday. I realize that I directed some destructive sentiments toward you which were unreasonable and juvenile. And I was exceptionally focused on things at home that day, and I trust that you pardon me for lashing out at you when you didn’t merit it. 

I expect you will understand, and I trust that we can disregard the entire scene and begin once again. Sorry for all my words and please forgive me for that. I hope we will start fresh once again. Please call me once you get free.


{Your Name}

This apology letter will help you to gain his trust once again. He will try to understand your faults and also your situation. This will create a very good impact on his sentiments towards you. And he will start talking to you. You can also describe to him how the situation got worse for you. Also, trigger some of the memories where you made a mistake and he understood you.

Apology Letters Example – 2

Dear {Ex-boyfriend name}

Since the time you left, every spot, object, film, music just as my body and my spirit are spooky by your nonattendance. I’m lost without you, genuinely. I never saw it coming, I didn’t hear you out enough and I currently totally comprehend the reasons that drove you to flee.

That is the thing that I cherish and consistently have adored in you: your feelings. Nothing and no one can keep you from doing what you need to do and accept is correct. Also, I respect you for it.

In all seriousness why I’m keeping in touch with you today, that your disappearing is just brief. I miss you my darling {or you can compose his name instead}, I truly do and I understand, as late as that may be, that exists without you is outrageously dull.

Your flight showed me the strength of the sentiments I have for you. I concur with you, trusting that such a choice will get mindful of a particularly significant thing is marginal idiotic… My affections for you are extraordinary and I can’t envision fabricating my existence with anybody other than you.


{Your Name}

Apology Letters Example – 3

Dear {Your Ex name}

Today I comprehend your rebukes: from the second we were together I needed to go on with my previous life… an improved form of it! I was out with companions constantly, I returned home late. It hurt you, made you troubled and I was unable to stand tuning in to your protests.

I didn’t get it, I didn’t get any of it! And I have been narrow-minded, I haven’t tuned in, I haven’t attempted to comprehend. I needed two chomps at the cherry. Today, I understand that you put much more resources into our couple than I was.

I am really sorry for the mistakes that I made. Please forgive me and talk to me. I do not want to lose you. Let’s start new and fresh. I won’t disappoint you this time.


{Here Your Name} 

If you send these letters with a little bit of addition. Like remembering old memories and some funny incidents. This will work like a magic letter because it contains a lot of sentiments. If he understands you and is in a good mood then he will surely understand your circumstances.

Angry Letters To Your Ex-Boyfriend

Sometimes there may be some events where you get angry with your boyfriend and have decided to separate from him. But after the breakup also your anger has not vanished. In that situation, you can send these angry letters to your ex-boyfriend.

To state to him how much you did for him. And how his actions hurt you and how angry you are with your ex. Here are some examples that you can use while writing an angry letter to your ex-boyfriend.

Angry Letters Example -1

Dear {Your Ex-boyfriend name}

Long periods of developed resentment have leaked through me, similar to the smell of garlic and onion leaks through the skin. I recollect so obviously the discussions we had when we initially met. We discussed the substantialness of words and the heaviness of guarantees.

I asked you really to never impart words to me you didn’t totally mean or make guarantees you didn’t genuinely expect to keep. I recognized the genuineness clearly when you revealed to me you wouldn’t. It wasn’t long at all before words were shared and guarantees were made.

You occupied existence with your excellent words: every one of the manners in which you felt about me. How I affected you, how I was totally and undeniably the one for you. It astonished me how persuaded you were of that. You filled me to the edge, to spilling over, to where I was liquefied into a puddle at your words.

But you must not have promised me when you were not sure about the situation. Why did you keep me in darkness for so long? Why did you betray me? These questions arise daily in my mind. I thought you to be a nice guy. But you are just another guy who falls for every lady he sees as beautiful. It was a huge mistake that I believed in You. But I warn you as well, then things will not be the same again.

{Your Name}

Angry Letters Example -2

Dear {Your Ex},

You made the most recent couple of months of my life hopeless. I was in every case alone on the grounds that I felt like it was past the point where it is possible to reconnect with my old companions. In the evening you began to leave my loft prior and prior on the grounds that you needed to “study” however I realize damn well that you weren’t. You just became worn out from being around me.

What befell the man I began to look all starry eyed at? Where did he go? Since it isn’t you. There’s such a lot of disdain in your heart and I simply need to tear it out of you. I need you back and I thought you were the one. I did not have a clue what occurred, however, I wish I could’ve seen it so I could stop it. 

And I could demolish you and I could undoubtedly tell every one of the frightful things you’ve said about individuals. I could tell everybody exactly the amount you made me extremely upset. I can without much of a stretch paint you as the scoundrel to everybody we know. However, I can’t and I will not, regardless of the amount I need to.


{Your name}

Goodbye Letters To Your Ex-Boyfriend

Sometimes it happens in a relationship. Where one person trusts so much at another but the other person keeps on betraying their partner. It is always a better idea to say goodbye. Because once the trust is crumbled it can never be the same. Bidding farewell to an individual is generally difficult. 

It is considerably more agonizing when that individual is uncommon in our lives and we love the person in question genuinely. In the event that you believe it’s an ideal opportunity to search for new ways and start another life, you need to leave behind your past and separate yourself from the things that will help you to remember it. So here are some examples of goodbye letters to my ex-boyfriend.

Goodbye Letters To Your Ex-Boyfriend Example-1

Dear {Your ex name}

By composing this letter I trust you are in good wellbeing. This message, regardless of when we are done dating, is on the grounds that I need to say that I feel a unique fondness for you thus it is my craving that everything between us is clear. After the relationship finished I understood that you’re continually searching for motivations to be close to me. 

I need to make it clear that I have no expectation of continuing a caring relationship with you, I need to leave this as a delightful memory in our memory, in the event that you figure we could have something, reconsider. I additionally need you to realize that I have chosen to go to another city to begin another life, I need to leave you totally in my memory and I think it is the best choice.

And I need you to be the main individual to catch wind of my choice and that I won’t ever get back to your side. Goodbye Dear, I wish you achievement in your life and that you can discover your way to a lady who loves you genuinely.


{Your Name}

Goodbye Letters To Your Ex-Boyfriend Example – 2

Dear {Enter Ex-boyfriend’s name here}

I trust you are progressing admirably, from the day our relationship finished, it has been extremely hard to converse with you, so I have chosen to compose this letter since I needed to enlighten you regarding an issue. While we dated, we had lovely snapshots of satisfaction that will be engraved in my heart always.    

Although this relationship didn’t end in the most ideal manner, I don’t detest you. While we dated, we had wonderful snapshots of bliss that will be engraved in my heart perpetually and albeit this relationship didn’t end in the most ideal manner, I don’t abhor you. 

Goodbye, dear {Your ex name}, may paradise favor you, I realize you’ll before long discover somebody who genuinely adores you.


{Your Name}

Bottom line

In the end, relationships always build upon belief, faith, and love for each other. If any of these decreases cause the downfall of your healthy romantic life. So these are some examples which will give you an idea while framing your letter that you will send to your ex-boyfriend.

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write letters to your ex-boyfriend
Write letters to your ex-boyfriend

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