10 Relationship Hacks to Make Your Partner Feel Special

Yay!! Congratulations on investing time in your relationship growth. By the end of this article, you will know some realistic hacks to make your partner feel special.
But why do you need to make your partner feel special? Here it goes.
There’s always a difference between growing and nourishing.
When you are growing a plant, you water it regularly you keep it in the shades. You grow it, just to have it. But, have you ever noticed how a farmer grows his plants?
- A farmer takes complete care of the plants in the field.
- He feeds the plant by knowing what it actually needs.
- He protects the plants from insects attack.
- The farmer monitors if the plant is completely healthy.
Why is the farmer doing this much stuff?
To get a good yield.
So, to make your life happier (your yield), you need to nourish your partner. By nourishing your partner, you are nourishing your relationship. By nourishing your relationship, you are going to the next level of happiness and peace.
So, let’s dive into knowing things that are actually going to make your partner feel special.

1. Be their Comfort Cushion:
Make your partner feel comfortable to vent out their emotions with you. Make your partner feel that you got their back.
When you give your partner this kind of support, they feel special, and they feel like you are their home.
Analyze your partner’s emotional response and implement this hack accordingly.
If you can’t express things verbally, then try out actions.
Example: Gestures like a long and tight hug on their gloomy days.
A true relationship is when you can tell each other anything and everything.

2. Dates:
After many years of being together, some people feel like there is no need for dates. But, hey… understand that it is more important.
After having kids, some people feel like there is no need for dates. They think taking care of the child is their main goal.
But, it is not true. Taking care of your relationship is as important as taking care of your kid.
So invest some time in your relationship. Go out, recollect memories or ask each other how happy you are now. Because your partner feels young when you are allocating them a special time alone.
When you go for dates, even you both actually feel the good vibe. And a special thing here is not only your partner even you’ll feel special when you get some alone time with your partner.
Don’t miss out on something that could be great, just because it could also be difficult.
So spend quality time on your dates.

3. Wear their Favorite Outfit:
Wearing your partner’s favorite outfit makes them feel like you are putting in efforts for them. Try this trick. Wear their favorite outfits surprising, and observe their reaction. That’s going to bring warmth to both of your cheeks with happiness. So try this out. Because we humans are visual creatures. We love seeing attractive things!!
Dressing well is a form of good manners – Tom Ford

4. Be the Empathetic Listener:
Listening to the partner is the most underrated thing, I feel.
If you are not listening and just hearing to them, you are making them stay a step away. When your partner is saying something, kindly listen to them. If you are not in a position to listen, then explain your situation. Try something like, ‘Hey, I really need to listen to you. But, now I am engaged with work. So, let me complete it. Then, we can have a peaceful conversation.’
Listening is again a gesture that you are standing there for them. So make sure you are doing it!!
Do not listen with the intent to reply but with the intent to understand.

5. Discuss Things before Taking a Decision:
Before taking up any decision, you both need to have a discussion. Because you both are a team. When you are discussing things with your partner, you are making them feel significant. They are definitely going to love when you make them realize their significance in your life. So, keep on reminding them that they are significant in your life through small gestures.
The best thing to spend on your relationship is time, conversation, understanding, and honesty.

6. Ask for their Opinion:
This is the continuation of the fifth point. Here, I am specifying to check their opinion on little things. Like, if you both are moving out for dinner, ask your partner’s opinion on which one would they love to go to.
Like this, ask their opinion for small things when you both are together. This makes them feel valued. They also feel their consent is so important for you.
You might be getting a doubt like why should I wait for their consent? Or why can’t I make my own decisions? Why should I always need their support?
The answer is, YOU BOTH ARE A TEAM. So, don’t think ‘I am ‘me’… always think on the ‘we’ ‘us’ perspective for a healthy relationship.
‘You and I. We are a Team. A pretty damn awesome team.’

7. Let them Speak about their Favorite Topics:
Sometimes both of your interests might not align on the same line. So, it’s natural if your partner keeps on speaking about their favorite topic. Don’t show your annoyed face.
Because when they are speaking about their favorite topics, they really feel happiness on the next level. At this moment, you don’t want to spoil their mood. So, casually when you are chilling, you can say things in a cool way.
Make sure you are saying it on a casual note.
In this way, you are making them feel special despite the difference in your interests.
Respect the differences to make them feel more special.

8. Arrange a Special Night Date:
Night dates are so special to make your partner feel loved. Cook the dinner, or book a table in their favorite restaurant. If possible, gift them a new dress and add a little note asking them to wear it and come to the place.
If you are cooking, then prepare your partner’s favorite food. Put some extra effort into making up the ambiance and setting up the mood. Arrange some candles to corner view and decorate your table.
Make them feel like that night is theirs. All your efforts are going to show up to your partner. They feel more special and valued when they realize all these efforts you have made for them.
Actions speak louder than words.

9. Make them Feel Secure:
Making your partner feel secure is more important to make them feel special. So, always ensure that you maintain them in a safe zone. You are making them feel at peace. Mostly in relationships, people try to boast by listing down the number of people who had a crush on them.
In this way, they are making their partner feel a little insecure. They are making their partner feel they don’t deserve their partner.
Most people don’t like to see their partner boasting. So, by boasting, you are only giving them a chance to hate you, or you are making them feel insecure.
Make them feel they are significant and unique.

10. Make them feel your presence even in long-distance:
Most of the time, it’s a bit hard to spend some time together in a long-distance relationship. But still, here are some tips to make your long-distance partner feel special,
- Send them pictures the moment you are chatting with them. This makes them feel you are thinking of them more.
- Send them the songs that you both enjoy when they are a bit gloomy.
- Plan a surprise and visit them. Make sure you are executing this plan carefully.
Distance means so little when someone means so much.
Yayy!!! You reached the end of this article. First, pat on your pack for investing time in your relationship growth.
Everything that you make in a relationship is an investment.
Every moment you get to spend with your partner is precious. So, make sure you are investing them wisely.
As said at the beginning of the article,
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