Second Date Advice: Appropriate Gap between First & Second Date

Gap between First & Second Date

You had an excellent first date and now you are waiting to ask her for the second date. So If are you thinking when is the right time to ask for a second date? What gap to maintained between the first and second date? It is very important to take cautious steps and approaches to succeed on the second date.

Let’s dive deep into it.

Having a second date depends upon a lot of things like- how you ask it when you ask it and most importantly your performance in the last enactment i.e. the first date.

The following tips, if maintained, shall indeed help you have a successful second date with your partner. Tips and tricks, though don’t always work, come in handy most of the time.

What is an appropriate gap between the First and Second date

gap between first and second date

The primary concern while thinking about a second date is- the appropriate time gap between the first date and the second date. You neither want to be too slow to approach nor do you wish to take things too fast.

But before addressing such an issue, you need to know how to ask for a second date. It’s generally advisable not to ask for a second date while you are still together on a first one.

Instead, end your first date with sentences like “I had a great time this evening. We can do it together again sometime. I’ll call you.” Also, make sure that you don’t give any gaps or pauses at any portions while speaking such sentences. Your breaks make you look like you are hesitant and uncertain about things. Just wait a few days and call her up or text her.

Once again, being simple and straightforward is the key to success here. Sentences like – “Hey! Last Sunday was awesome. I was hoping about meeting some time again. Are you free this weekend?” are general talks smooth enough to get you a second date if the person is interested.

But don’t get disappointed in a negative response. A meeting can be viewed from different perspectives by two other people. Just take your time and reboot the whole system with a different person.

There is no must- to- follow rules about an appropriate time gap between the first date and the second date.

What Experts Say:

Call her on the second day and say “I really enjoyed hanging out with you and looking forward to meeting you”. Let her know how much you enjoyed her company. Catch up with her and fix your second date. If you don’t call she might think you didn’t enjoy your last date.

If you give a call or send a text message it gives a positive signal that you are thinking of her. Acknowledging the fact that you enjoyed dating her, Makes her feel special and important.

Don’t ask her about the second date on the first date. Just give it a bit of time. Let her wonder about your next move. Then on the second day send her a text message about the good experience of the first date.

A second date within a week, but, is plausibly acclaimed. You can even call up and fix a date the successive night only. It is all about the momentum in dating for success.

However, waiting too much doesn’t do any good for any party. The more you wait, the more memories of the first meeting will fade away more. It would make you lose momentum and push you towards an awkward point with less to work on.

Thus, for a second date, anything from meeting to waiting a week remains appropriate. Waiting more than two weeks diminishes your chances of taking the relationship forward.

The appropriate time for a guy to ask for a Second Date.

gap between the first and second date

Setting up a second date is only possible if you had a perfect first date. Once you have messed up the first date, there are minimal chances of things helping your way.

Even a mastermind or a smooth talker would find it awkward to get negative responses. One needs to wait before a second date after messing up the first. So your first action must be to smoothly carry out your first date and make a good impression. It all follows after that.

Asking for second dates while still together on a first date is not advisable. It may yield inappropriate results because people generally don’t respond negatively. Thus you might get a positive response even though in the heart the person doesn’t want to meet you.

We have discussed already how to appropriately ask for a second date. Make it a success with momentum on your side too. If you reckon you had a successful first date, having the second date within 2- 3 days helps your momentum to keep moving forward.

It’s also important we remember that keeping the momentum isn’t synonymous with rushing. All you want to do is to keep things at a steady but comfortable pace. The chemistry between the two people needs to be maintained, with a second date, third date, fourth date, and fifth date in relatively closer succession.

How soon to ask for a Second Date?

gap between the first and second date

People, in general, are busy and have packed routines. Thus hasting someone onto something doesn’t make any sense. So it’s better to ask beforehand for a date.

Like, if you want a date for the weekend, asking 1-2 days before it shall yield satisfactory results.  From your perspective, you get a second date.

You can also build up a strong image of yourself as one who respects others’ schedules. So this turns out to be a valuable tip as people often in excitement can’t decide when to ask for a date.

Relationship coaches and experts say that the perfect gap between the first and second date is 3 days. Trying to reach out to her during this optimal span might project you as desperate.

Whereas your actions might have actually been effects of your liking, and interest for the person. But here lies a simple trick. You can even call her the day after the meeting. You will just try to find out how she’s doing.

Concentrate on having a little chat rather than asking her out during the call. This way, you remain in touch with her and don’t seem desperate about getting a second date too.

Furthermore, a day is generally enough for a person to recapitulate everything. You can decide whether it’s worth investing time in going on a second one or not. So a friendly call might be helpful.

Do’s and Don’ts of Second Date

second date tips

It is often said that in dating, doing nothing wrong is always more important than doing everything right. Your wrong moves can actually mess up your entire date, ending it on a disastrous note. Here are some things which you should not do on second dates.

  • Don’t be too romantic:

Being too idealistic can turn out harmful for you. Remember neither to go to a loud or public place, but also remember not to go too romantic. Wait for a successful second date to show out the romantic you on a third date where things usually occur.

  • Speak with care:

Be careful about not talking too much about yourself. Listening is more important than speaking. Talk about exciting things like hobbies, trips, and shared interests.

  • Don’t be a multitasker:

Don’t be into other things. While on the date, avoid smartphones or frequent calls. It feels like invasions to private time for the person seated next.

  • Don’t be late and don’t rush things:

Rushing into something even following the date disappoints the partner. Also being late and keeping the other person waiting never helps.

  • Don’t invite to your place:

Go slow and meet in a neutral position rather than asking your place to meet your friends and family.

Second Date Expectations

Expecting too much isn’t going to help. Be reasonable and trustworthy. Second dates generally don’t yield physical intimacy. It is not a good idea to proceed on that road on a second date.

It would be better for you to wait till the performance of the third date unless both of you want it. You are however focusing on things like getting to know each other better. Finding how you feel you gain confidence for an exciting but romantic third date.

The Gap between the Second and Third Date

People think that the gap between the second and third dates must be a little less. The optimal time is often reckoned as 1-2 days before you call her to go out again.

The third date is when two people are interested. Dating has come on the verge of a potential relationship. Thus being a bit more careful about your action helps.

The process of asking out may remain the same as the second date if you get a third date, bingo! You have been good so far, and the other person is also interested in you.

End Note

It’s all about momentum and doing things right. Once you have passed the test of the first date, following simple actions and tips can help you build an image. You would be like an interested but smooth and respectful person. That’s all you can want your partner to think of you. Buckle up and head straight now because your date waits for being a success!!

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