Reasons She Takes a Long Time to Text Back and What to do about it?

If you are reading this, then chances are that you have just found someone whom you are falling for.
So, have you just landed on your crush?
Have you people already started talking? Is she taking too much time to revert to your messages?
If yes, you might be feeling anxious about the situation, and you are at the stage that you’ll believe anything as the solution to this problem.
Reading further will calm down your anxiety, and you will probably get answers to some of your questions ahead in this article.
What do you need to do?
So, if her late replies take a toll on your mind, you need to think about the possibilities. Therefore all that you have to do currently is;
- Soothe your mind and think of the possible explanations she would give for not getting back with her messages on time.
- Try and figure out her level of interest. Collect the memories of the incidents and evaluate her interest in you. There are chances that only you are interested in her, and she’s not.
- Further, you need to be prepared for the worst. If there’s a genuine reason for not texting back on time, you will hardly have any problem with it. But in the otherwise situation, you will have to be prepared to accept the worst that the girl might not even be interested in you.
Besides the explanation mentioned above, you need to have a positive mindset about the current situation.
Why do you need a positive mindset?
So, why are we stressing a positive mindset?
Well, it is important to stay positive for the benefit of both your physical and mental health. Over exaggerating the situation always messes up the condition, and we were hoping you could avoid it.
So, while you are sitting with your phone and waiting for that one tune to see her name pop up on your screen, you get all the negative thoughts turning your mind upside down, like;
- Why is she not responding? Is it that she is not at all interested in me?
- Is she with someone else, and hence not attending to my messages?
- What if she is trying to ignore me? Am I a fool waiting for her to respond?
And the list of such negative thoughts goes on and on.
So, instead of focusing on the negatives, try and indulge yourself in something productive that diverts your mind.
Give yourself and her sometimes because if she is interested in you, she’ll take all the efforts to get back to you in the least possible time. On the other hand, there are chances that she might be busy with something really important, and accessing the phone at the current moment could be a problem for her.
So, before you reach any conclusion, you should wait for her response, and once she gets comfortable talking about her routine, you can ask her the reason behind late responses.
So, if you are trying hard to divert your mind and have no clue what to do, we are here to help you with the best ideas.
Here’s How to Divert your Mind?
The first attempt you need to focus on is getting away from your phone. If you are constantly with your phone, your brain will make it even more difficult to survive the current situation.
So what you could try is;
- Leave your phone aside and get back to your work, if any.
- If you are on a break from work, all that you can do is get outdoors, play your favorite game, or even binge-watch a new movie or web series.
- Try and get out with some friends who could boost your mood and let you forget about the current scenario for some time.
- Spend quality time with people in your family, or talk to them on the phone if they are around.
- Spend some time with your pet; this will help you lighten your mood.
Thus, the escapes mentioned above are just some ways that could help you divert your mind, and this way, the message from your crush will bring ultra happiness to your face.
In the worst condition, even if she doesn’t get back with her message, do not over flood her phone with your inquisitive texts.
What if you send her non-stop messages?
Trying to talk to our crush is a lot of adrenaline rush, but not getting their response could make you a lot anxious. However, you will have to make sure that you don’t let that anxiety take over your emotions, as this situation will bring you something wrong.
So, the first thing that you need to update in your mind is no non-stop messages at all. Do not send continuous messages if the person is not replying; this could annoy her, and you might lose all the chances to get a message back.
Thus, if you send her back to back texts, irrespective of knowing her point of you, you might either;
- Annoy her
- Look desperate
- Disturb her during her business time
- Embarrass her in front of her colleagues, friends or family
- Kill her interest in you
Sending one consecutive text after the first one is fine, but you should not get into the habit of continuously texting her without getting a response. Because if you text her back to back, you will probably;
- Start to get in the negative tone.
- There are chances you’ll write something harsh.
- Your text will reflect your weak position.
- You will end all the chances of getting a text back (if there were any).
On the other hand, irrespective of how you feel in the current scenario, your second text should not sound rude. Instead, it would be best if you showed your concern towards the girl’s uncalled absence from the cell phone. Like you can send a message asking;
‘Hey, are you ok? I was wondering why are you not texting me back!’
OR, ‘Hope your day is doing great, let me know when is the right time for a quick little chat.’
Such messages would convey your positive intention towards the girl, and it won’t look like you are bombarding her with your intentions. So, it is of utmost importance to be gentle and sound normal and control your feelings as much as possible.
If she takes hours to text back, should I do the same?
My answer would be NO.
You should not do what the other person is doing to you since this isn’t a fight where you have to opt the tit for tat rule. Instead, it would help if you find a solution to the issue that’s bothering you.
Primarily, you need to know why a certain girl or your crush is behaving in a certain manner that makes you comfortable. If she likes you the way you do, she won’t take much time in responding.
On the other hand, try and find out the details for her daily routine, and if she is not replying to your messages because she keeps busy during certain hours of the day, you need to keep calm.
But, if she is doing this desperately, or trying to avoid you, find out a reason for that behavior.
- There are chances that your actions might have upset her, and she behaves rudely because of it. In this case, try and convince her and do not to repeat the same mistake.
- You might be under the impression that the girl likes you, but she has no interest in you, and you are taking the situation too deep without her consent. In this case, convince yourself and do the reality check.
- She might be interested in someone else, and she doesn’t want to invest her time with you. Therefore, you should move on and do not trouble her with your texts.
Considering the possibilities mentioned above, find a solution to the issue. So, taking the same amount of time the girl takes to text back is no solution, and this will frustrate you even more in the long run. Therefore, talk it out, and agree on a condition that brings satisfaction for both of you.
How to respond to a text after a long time?
If you are responding to a text after a long time, you should start with an apology. This apology should be followed by a genuine reason explaining what took you so long to reply to a text.
If you let the other person know the reason why you’re not so quick in replying to text messages, there shall arise no quarrel at all. See, building a connection is all about being transparent, and if you are taking the pain to explain your routine to the other person who is interested in you, it shows you are equally interested.