If a Girl Rejects You, Is There Still a Chance! The Big Secret

She is beautiful. A girl like her will be the perfect mate. I should ask her out.
Let me gather all the courage to propose to her!
I think it is the right time to tell her my feelings!
I think she should know that I love her. Let me express it!
Hey, I think I love you!
She- What? Are you kidding me? I don’t see you as my partner. Oh, I have always felt comfortable with you, but only like a friend.
Is this how your dream for your dream girl got shattered one fine day? Are you too wondering what next when the girl of your dream rejected you? If yes, you need to keep reading this piece of write-up.
What brings rejection?
A girl rejecting a proposal is quite common. The tricky part is how you deal with it. The majority of boys out there have been into this situation. But do you know, you can convert this rejection into acceptance shortly, provided you move in the right direction?
A girl might reject you for myriad reasons. Maybe you did not ask her out on the right day. Or she was not in a good mood to start the new chapter of her life. Similarly, there could be other possible reasons that are currently holding her back.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons for rejection faced by boys.
1. Bad Days
Bad days, bad reactions can be the reason for rejection in your case. In such a situation you should always consider re-attempting the whole thing again, one fine day.
But, unfortunately, there are times when we are just not in the mood to do anything new, and in that hush-hush, the situation might have gotten against you.
2. Already Dating Someone
She’s already dating someone, and she won’t be able to take up your proposal. You might have misunderstood her closeness because you were seeking a special person in your life, but she is not.
She might be close to you, but only as a good friend, and nothing beyond that. So, in this case, there’s no chance until she prefers you over her current boyfriend.
3. Too Shy
She’s too shy to say yes on the first go, and that is the reason she rejected your proposal. So, there’s a great chance that if you keep approaching her, she’ll agree to be a part of your life, provided, she likes you and wants to explore her connection with you.
4. Recent BreakUp
She has just revived from the old breakup trauma, and she is not ready to get into new commitments in the current scenario.
If this is the reason for denial from her end, there are larger chances that she would agree in the time to come. If she gets enough compassion from you as a friend and feels she can share everything with you.
There are larger chances that she would trust you for your proposal and invest her time with you.
In this case, you’ll have to wait; you will have to give her the time to get out of the trauma that she is handling. But, in addition, you will have to be in connection with her and be available for her.
5. Wants to Stay Single
She might be willing to stay single for some time, and she could be the reason behind rejecting your proposal. In such a scenario, you need to understand her viewpoint.
Also, try and ready her mind. Often, girls reject the proposal to see how intense it is, inquire about your feelings towards her, or see how badly you want her in your life.
In all such cases, making a second attempt always brings positive results. Therefore, approach her for the second time to have her in your life.
But, as we were already discussing if she wants to stay single for some time, be beside her. Know her more, and spend more time with her. Try to be her friend whenever she needs it, and that is how you can always attain a special position in her life in the time to come.
6. Only Friendship
She’s looking for a friend and not a partner in you. She might reject you because she feels more comfortable with you as a friend. She might never want to leave you to disconnect with you, but she will not be able to accept you as her life partner.
In such a case, you cannot force a girl to change her feelings for you. If you have tried on every opportunity, you probably cannot push it beyond a certain point. Thus, in such a case, be there for her if you are fond of her, but do not try to manipulate her or force her in any case.
7. Not Her Type
You’re not her type, and she can’t help it. Maybe you are a too shy type, and she is an extrovert. Or maybe she is looking out for someone who is probably not like you. In this case, if the girl rejects you, there’s a 50-50 percent chance of accepting the proposal after the first rejection.
It would help if you found her reasons and support her. Even if she says you are not her type, maintain your current position in her life and give it a second chance. If you are lucky enough, she might accept it this time.
Points to Consider after the First Rejection
If a girl rejects you the first time you ask her out, there’s a 100 percent chance that she might accept it the next time or in the third attempt.
Ideally, if a girl says NO, you should take NO as an answer. But, this case is an exception, and you can always give a second chance to your dream girl and let her think about you even more.
Well, in both cases, you should never attempt doing certain things, as this might put a complete full stop to your story.
Let’s take a look at the points you need to beware of;
- Never overburden her with your questions. Yes, as soon as the first time she rejects you, your mind gets flooded with questions.
Why not me?
What’s the problem with me?
If she was not interested, then why did she spend so much time with me?
She looked comfortable, so what’s wrong with accepting my proposal? And so on…
But, you need to lock your emotions then and there to give her a chance to process her reply. She might be interested in you, but she’ll need time to process the entire thing. So, leave her alone, and let her be.
- Do not stock her on social media or otherwise. Girls hate being stocked, and if you try to break through her privacy, she might get agitated.
- Respect her viewpoint, and consider her answer as an intelligent one. Give her a chance to express her thoughts.
- Do not insult her if she rejects your proposal the first time. If you are already friends with her, try to be friends. Do not burst out.
With such precautions, you’ll be able to maintain that special place in her heart, even if not in her life. Always respect women, no matter what they feel for you. So, even if a girl rejects you there is still a chance to win her back.