6 Short Real Life High School Love Stories to Read

Real Life High School Love Stories to Read

After school, everybody wants to go on a date with his/her crush. When you are a teenager, every day is a new lesson of love, and sometimes it so happens that these lessons are harsher than the previous ones. Love has no rules and no boundaries. Love stories have something for everyone.

Some of us love fairy tales and some love the thrill. We are about to share with you real-life high school love stories that will blow your mind away.

1. I will teach you to live carefree

It’s the District Sports competition held in Kochi, Veena has come to Participate in 100 meters representing the Palakkad District and Joe has come to participate in Javelin throw representing Thrissur District.

There was a usual betting scenario that happened between sports students

At Back of Kochi Stadium on Different Games.

high school love stories

The Veena used to bet 10 RS on her Game, But Joe was entering the District Sports Competition for the first.

A Friend of Joe introduced him to this betting division and also he introduced his Friends from a previous year of Sports District Competition Joe.

His friend suggested finding a Bet Mediator or another better with an equal amount, Joe was walking up and down the stair of the stadium and didn’t find one, But at last, a girl asked him “Are you Betting ?” and the answer was “YES”, Her Name was Veena.

She has spotted the usual bet of Rupees Ten on her and he placed a bet on him for Javelin.

They tagged each other till each game begin, So they started talking to each other about sports, then music and so many more, at last, he asked “Could we have a bottle of mango juice?

 Ms.Ammu !”, Suddenly an announcement for 100 meters race came up and Veena smiled and said, “Oh Joe, let’s have a bottle of mango juice after my match.” They both went to her match spot and her friends were also there to see her match.

Announcements After Match :

“Ms.Rani theja from Wayanad won the Second Prize, Ms.Divya From Kochi won the Third Prize and…and Ms.Veena from Palakkad won the First Prize”

Veena and her friends were shouting and after that, her eyes were looking for Joe, But he wasn’t present there.

Suddenly an Announcement: Mr.Nithin from Kozhikode won the Third Prize, Mr.Shafi from Kochi won Second Prize and..and Mr.Joe from Thrissur won First Prize for Javelin Sports District Competition”

And She was waiting for him and asked him “Where is my bet money ?” and He replied, “Here is your Bet Money, But Where is My Bet Money ?” Then they smiled at each other and he said “Let’s Fetch our Bottle of Mango Juice, Then !”

While Drinking he asked her “Sing for me a song !” She smiled and asked “What ?” and he smiled and requested “One for me”.

Her Voice singing for him :

“Khulke Jeene Ka
Tareeka Tumhein Sikhate Hain
Hass Ke dekho na
Lateefa Tumhein Sunate Hain
Umar ke saal…”

Her voice melted his heart and he started dancing holding her hands,

Hours went by like a snap of a finger and its time for them to go, so he asked her “Give me your address !”. She took a Pen, wrote it, and gave him.

They were both looking at each other as if they were seeing something beautiful for the first time, After their bus was taken out far away from where they could see, He opened the paper to look at her address and it was written: “Let’s meet at State Competition and I will tell you my tale”. He smiled and said to himself “I will be waiting”

District School Competition was held at Tilak Maidan in Tamil Nadu and Veena was waiting for his school bus and they came, But she didn’t see him and asked his friend “where is Joe ?” His friend replied, “he got into an accident and couldn’t attend the competition”. Slowly tears were falling from her eyes and she went inside the stadium and sat on the table weeping and her friends tried to calm her, Suddenly a voice came :

“Khulke Jeene Ka
Tareeka Tumhein Sikhate Hain
Hass Ke dekho na
Lateefa Tumhein Sunate Hain
Umar ke saal..”

Also Read, Bedtime Love Stories for Couples

2. Only Bird in the Town

The Birds in the Town were fed mainly by nature and by Dev Boy. Yeah, By the Dev Boy! The Leader of 8th-C and Teachers Favourite Student!

His father and mother died in a car accident at Ooty. His Grandma takes care of him!

Every day he talks to his best friend Agnas about his lonely situations and shares with her all his feelings!

One day Agnas heard that Dev said

“I Love You” to Rani Priya from 8th-A, When Dev came to talk to her that day, She started blabbering “Did you talk to her ? Did you say you like her ? And so many more questions” ( Didn’t Give him a Gap to explain ). 

high school love stories

Suddenly he asked her a Question “Why are you so angry about it ?” She shouted, “Ah..I don’t Know !”. He went near her and hugged her suddenly and strongly with his two hands all around her and asked her

“Tell me why you are angry, in your sweet voice and I want to hear it from you !”, She started blushing and asked him “What ?, What should I say ?”, He replied

“Tell me the story in your heart !”

Silence filled the moment and she said to him “You are a Pervert” and started hitting him with her hands. He laughed and kept on asking her

“tell me, tell me now or never”. After a few moments she started crying and now he is nervous but kept on telling her “tell me now or never” and now she fell into his arms and kept pulling his uniform and she said, “I can’t see you being someone else … guy”. So he asked “tell it, I want to hear it from you” … He was looking at her and she was lying in his hand like a baby pointing her eyes to his chest filled with shyness.

“I LOVE YOU,” she said and he asked “Oh, You Love me and I guess

I Love You too, So I guess we are made for each other, Right ? ”. She replied smiling “I guess we are !”

And now they both fell into smiles and they just can’t stop smiling!

She asked, “Why was Lucky saying to everyone Dev said ‘I Love You’ to Ranipriya ?” He laughed then he replied, “I said it. But…but it was a dialogue from our Drama script !”.She was so angry, started walking fast towards finding Lucky, shouting “LUCKY !!”. But Dev Caught her and pulled her to him and he said to her “Leave him, Something good happened because of him, Nah “ and they kept on smiling and smiling.

Also Read, Bedtime Love Stories for Boyfriend
Bedtime Love Stories for Girlfriend

3. Moheena Jayan

One day, Jayan proposed his Love to Aneetta and she rejected him and said “I Love Danak” in front of Jayan to Danak and Danak Rejected it on the spot as he is already overloaded!

Depressed Jayan Drank a lot of Pepsi and Got Acidity! He felt like killing himself and also Became super fat!

The School has opened and Jayan Got a New name “Chubby”. Teachers always complained about him to his mother that “he never comes to school at the time, never does homework, Record is always incomplete, etc”

One day, He was late to submit his record to the biology teacher which got him a free punishment to Stand in front of the Staff Room hands raised till the bell ring!

real life high school love stories

While he was standing, a girl came and then looked into the stuff room and suddenly asked Chubby “How Are You ?”

He felt weird and replied, “I am okay”. Now she pressed his two chubby cheeks and asked “Jayan Pathap Singh will You Be Husband for Moheena Mukharji and love her forever, Will You? ”

Suddenly he said “I WILL BE” and asked “Who are you ?”, She replied “I am You, But If you want to know more come near School Garden,  I will be sitting there waiting for my Prince Charming!

He went and they started chatting,

She said “I am another Girl from 9th-A,

Who heard how great of stalker you are and the one who understood how great of lover you are.” He said “I just can’t stop smiling,” She asked, “Then why to stop!”.They both at first had a Colgate smile, Then it became laughing and Then many more!

Within a Few Months, Jayan Made Six Packs and both of them became better in their studies too!

One day they two fought for some reason. And it was news for School. Jealousy Squad of singles including Aneetta, Aneetta started murmuring “Poor Jayan, I think she dumped him,

I saw her and with a Guy going to the theater yesterday ”.Jayan kept a frustrated face and on that day Moheena was absent!

 Moheena said “I went and watched that movie, The type of movie you don’t like with Danak ” He was silent for a few minutes and after hearing he replied “Don’t speak more about it we will end up in a fight again,” Moheena asked, “So do you love me?”.He looked at her and said “Remember You are My Wife forever”

4. The Answer to Her

Ms.Radhamani is the 10th standard Maths Teacher and Mr.Udam Kumar is the Hindi teacher at the 10th standard.

Both Radhamani and Udam Kumar used to study at the same College a long time ago and they both haven’t married yet.

high school love stories

Jayadev Singh was the Gossip collector of the 10th batch and he really liked their Class leader Arundathi.

Jayadev Has Doubts about the relationships of Ms.Radhamani and Udam Kumar. so he started an investigation regarding his doubt and then while searching under sir’s dusk he found a Letter. He took the Letter home and Started Reading.

“My Dear Radha,

It has been 7 years since we stopped talking, Do you remember when you brought your first Bike, how I felt my ego, and then how you convinced me to join the ride to our most fun moment? YOU THREATENED ME THAT YOU WILL LEAVE ME, It was fun, So…So if you could Threaten me my whole life again.

I will wait for you,

I came here for you,

Will keep on coming!


Handsome Ladka “

Next-Day he Gave Udam Sir his letter and called Udam Sir “Mr.Handsome Ladka”.

Udam Sir looked at Jayadev and said ” Take these Kitkat and Don’t Tell anyone “, Jayadev while going back said ” I will need more ” and now Udam understood he is trouble.

Jayadev started Stalking his Arundathi, Stalking became over than usual which made Arundathi angry, She shouted at him and he felt ashamed. He didn’t mean to be a Stalker, But he Became one.

Ashamed Jayadev became a Silent person gradually, He was in Deep sadness and still he liked her.

Jayadev was the leader of event coordinators for the District Quiz Competition,

So he became busy and started to keep his mind at work.

Faraha from his batch called him about an urgent issue, He went to know about that urgent issue and the urgent issue was a Letter, A Love Letter. The Letter was filled with words from Heart of Faraha.

Between the Chaos of his Dignity being ripped by Arundathi, the event coordination, and the letter from Faraha,  he got confused and sat alone in a Silent place far away from the Quiz Competition to think.

At last, after thinking for you few minutes,

He went and asked Udam Kumar sir ” What Should I do ? ” and Explained his situation. Udam Kumar replied ” Go and Tell Faraha, what you told me and ask her if she wants to stay? And don’t miss your life “

As Udam Sir said, he went and told her all the stories and asked her “Still do you want to be with me ?”. Jayadev looked at her and Faraha looked back at him for a few minutes, Then she said ” I wrote a Love letter not a Breakup letter, I will accept whatever that comes with you into my life “

5. When Love hits Life

It is Cultural Competition at Amrutha Vidyalayam and Jaison was the main actor in the Skit played by 8th-B.

Jaison had a pet dog which he got from a roadside sewer and the name of that dog was Bongo.

Jaison was a Backbencher and used to score low marks in the Exam. His father was an Engineer and his mother was a Homemaker.

short and cue stories

On the Day of the Cultural Competition Bongo went missing and Jaison was in Pursuit of Finding him. Still, after searching for an hour, Bongo wasn’t found and it was time for the act. So he ran towards Stage for Acting. While acting he saw his Bongo in hands of a Girl.

The Girl from 9th-A, the Angry Senior who always makes him go crazy, and her name is Anuradha.

Jaison considers Anuradha as a Rowdy Senior who picks on him for unwanted reasons.

 After his Act in the Skit, he was really angry and went shouting towards Anuradha for taking his dog without his permission.

Anuradha hearing Jaison’s voice understood she was in trouble, He went roaring Anuradha and asked her ” Why did you take my Bongo? without my permission ? “. She was ashamed in front of everyone in her class!

While Anuradha was crying on the backbench one of her friends came and gave her advice ” Never touch his pets, he treats them like gold “, The word gold and care struck her heart and she started observing him.

Each Day and Night her skills in observing went high and high. A Rowdy girl became a better Rowdy Girl. And she picked on Jaison most of the time Creating New, New reasons.

A Strange thing happened in Life of Jaison,

That strange thing that mustn’t happen in the life of any person, He understood the depth of Poverty and was filled with feelings of inferiority.

One day Anuradha Made another trouble and

Made fun of him. Then when his self-esteem was threatened, he started acting like a crazy person. And started acting Helpless which led him to sit down on the floor and tears fell slowly from his eye and put his eyes on that plain floor.

Anuradha was confused,

She had no idea, So she caught his head, hugged him, and expressed her Love to him indirectly. He fell into the Coziness and blabbered “I am Poor and I can’t Dream up high”. And silence became their friend for ones,  Like a Sweet lotion that eases the pain, her words whispered “I am with you forever, whatever happens, even if you are poor and…and I am in love with you “

6. Love and Library

Teacher Asked The Students of 7th-A “Where is Brook ?”, Students informed, “He is in Library !! “. YEAH, he is the man of the show!

Brook spends most of his time at Library And he is considered as the encyclopedia of the class until he was failed miserably in the GK competition or General Knowledge Competition when he was studying at 8th standard.

When you become a teenager, many changes happen and a change also struck Brook, He stopped going to Library.

He passed an examination to 9th-C,

Again He started to go to the library and scored high scores in exams.

The nerdy girl in his class was noticing her competitor,   So she started following him to know the Truth!

romance stories

She went to the library,

She went again and again,

Still nothing special,

Only the Boring Books he read,

Old librarian lady who always says “She” and at last Adithi and Raghav in a Corner.

She didn’t get any leads in her research so she stopped and started improving her studies.

Nerdy Girl “Nimmi” started liking Brook, So she made friends with Raghav and started collecting details about what all Brook Likes!

She will never hang up the phone till she gets the details she needs and Oneday Raghav came and said

“I really, I really have feelings for you, I just Love you, catch these flowers” He went giving her flowers!

Nimmi understood its time to say her love, So she went with Brook to the Library. There was no librarian, Only Adithi and Raghav.

So she went near Brook and said loudly so that Raghav could hear

“I Love You and Only You” to his face. Raghav fell from the chair laughing, While Brook was stuck hearing that she loved him and Aditi was busy writing.

Then Nimmi looked at Raghav and asked “why are you laughing ?”. Aditi called her and opened a small piece of paper in her hand, It was written: “He is Mine”.

After Aditi and Brook left the Library, Raghav said “I am their Swan and Adithi can’t speak”. Now everything made sense to her and tears were swelling. And Raghav said before leaving the room.

“My Flowers are still waiting for you”. After a few seconds of leaving the room, Nimmi called Raghav and asked “Could you give me the Flowers ?”.


We hope you enjoyed these real-life high school short love stories. We know that high school love stories are always exciting so we love hearing from people who have stories to share. If you have a high school love story you would like to share, please write to us at lovesyllabus1@gmail.com. Thank you for reading and we hope that you found this post useful!

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