10 Surprising Things Guys Don’t Notice about Your Body

things guys don’t notice about your body

Men have a different sense of attraction and their physical attraction is based on instincts. They are more likely to be attracted towards curvy women like women with wider hips and slim waists. Most men are attracted to someone in the first 90 seconds after they meet. Most women focus a lot on their hairstyle, … Read more

15 Sure Signs She Wants to Sleep With You

Woman Wants to Sleep With You

In any relationship, physical attraction plays a crucial role. When you like someone it is obvious to be sexually attracted to them. This applies to women as well. If you are in a relationship for some time, the girl must be looking to take things ahead with you. Even if you are simply dating or … Read more

13 Things Guys Notice the Most about Your Body

things guys notice

In any relationship, attraction plays a significant role. Apart from the mental connection and bonding, it is important for men and women to feel attracted to each other physically. Women have long been wondering what men notice about them especially when the relationship is new or when you are going on a first date. Men … Read more